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Which FTB Pack?

- - - - - pack ftb farming mechanics technology

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  • IGN:MrQuaga
  • Modpack:FTB Tech World 2

Hey guys,


I'm relatively new to the FTB community, and don't really know which pack to.

I love playing with technology and farming.

would love to hear your advice!








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  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.6 Pack

Well that depends on what kind of Minecraft experience you want?


Do you want high magic fantasy? Then a modpack that has thaumcraft and ars magicka might be for you


Do you want to set up a massive factory complex?


Do you just want to explore the world endlessly?


A good all-round pack IMO is the Direwolf20 pack, since it has a good deal of everything. I've added a few mods of own choosing to the pack for my own enjoyment - and if you want I can list those.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: pack, ftb, farming, mechanics, technology

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