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A few things about the RPG immersion pack...

RPG Immersion Pack Sounds Dimensions Music Game Breaking

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  • Modpack:RPG Immersion Pack

First of all, it's true that Diving RPG comes with music, ambiance, and mob sounds right? Lots of the mobs here create sounds right? Well for some reason, I can't seem to hear any of them, save for vanilla sounds. No music... no new mob sounds... And music boxes just seem like a waste of resources... Would this just happen to be simply a config issue? I'd really would like to hear the sounds and music. I'm positive that I'm not the only one who has this issue...


To put it simply, I know that the mod has sounds and music, why are they not playing?


Second... it would seem that killing Ender triplets can on some occasions cause a crash. Just throwing that out there...


Third... Just how the heck do you even use Arcanium Torches?!




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  • Modpack:Direwolf20 Pack

I got an eerie yet selective silence when i had a look at the ultimate pack on release aswell, So I think it may be whatever's altering the menu layout. I can't seem to find another clashing point between the packs.


As for your other question, All I could find of the arcanium torches was the image on this page, As much as I doubt that helps. http://divine-rpg.wi...m/wiki/Lighting

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: RPG Immersion Pack, Sounds, Dimensions, Music, Game Breaking

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