Hey everyone! I don't know if this is really a question or just me going WTF? But earlier today I built a really standard tree farm with Minefactory Reloaded. I installed quartz upgrades in the harvester and planter.
And then this happened...
Just so you know that used to be a forest. Although you can see my tree farm off in the distance.
Basically it harvested (or rather cut the tops off) every tree in a five-chunk radius. Except, of course, for the trees in the tree farm. They're still there haha.
When I went outside my base and looked I was just dazed for twenty minutes looking at the formerly beautiful forest unexpectedly torn to pieces. It's okay I can deal with the damage and fix it up somewhat.
But I've used MFR Harvesters so many times and never had anything like this happen. Even when I remove it and put it back it just keeps on chewing up the surrounding forest.
Any ideas?
PS This screenshot doesn't even begin to show the extent of the area affected!