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I think my MFR Harvester is drunk

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Hey everyone! I don't know if this is really a question or just me going WTF? But earlier today I built a really standard tree farm with Minefactory Reloaded. I installed quartz upgrades in the harvester and planter.


And then this happened...




Just so you know that used to be a forest. Although you can see my tree farm off in the distance.


Basically it harvested (or rather cut the tops off) every tree in a five-chunk radius. Except, of course, for the trees in the tree farm. They're still there haha. 


When I went outside my base and looked I was just dazed for twenty minutes looking at the formerly beautiful forest unexpectedly torn to pieces. It's okay I can deal with the damage and fix it up somewhat.


But I've used MFR Harvesters so many times and never had anything like this happen. Even when I remove it and put it back it just keeps on chewing up the surrounding forest.


Any ideas?




PS This screenshot doesn't even begin to show the extent of the area affected!

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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It cuts down everything that is connected, so if all of those had leaves that were connected to each other it would have cut that down.


This was added because of the Sacred Tree that grows to be so massive it destroys worlds. I believe it has been removed.

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Haha, that is amazing!

Hope I helped!

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I'm sad about this "feature" tried to pretty up my skyfactory 2 base with wood logs and it went OM NOM NOM.

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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I'm sad about this "feature" tried to pretty up my skyfactory 2 base with wood logs and it went OM NOM NOM.

Yeah they are dangerous, that is why for my Agrarian Skies series I put the tree harvesting area far, far away from everything else.

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Well, it's an easy way to clear a forest...

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1.6 modpack? Download Java 7 here. 1.7.10+? Download Java 8 here.




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Welp, it took out about 2/3 of the entire biome! But it did finally stop and now it's working as normal.


I spent a couple hours cleaning up the tree stumps and now it looks okay.


I think I was laughing too hard at how absurd the whole thing was to be frustrated! I'll miss the really nice tree cover I had though.



    Steampunk Alchemist

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Welp, it took out about 2/3 of the entire biome! But it did finally stop and now it's working as normal.


I spent a couple hours cleaning up the tree stumps and now it looks okay.


I think I was laughing too hard at how absurd the whole thing was to be frustrated! I'll miss the really nice tree cover I had though.

Oh I didn't realize it was still going, if you have removed the power source, waited a minute, then restarted it it SHOULD have stopped the chopping.

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Well actually most of the damage had been done by the time I discovered it... but then when I discovered it I was so in shock I didn't do anything for like twenty minutes to fix it.


I have a chunk loader and I *think* that might have had something to do with it. It seemed to stay within the area that was chunk loaded, and when I broke the chunk loader and replaced it (same settings) everything started working the way I had originally intended.


I also used the opportunity to flatten some land for other purposes, and I've started replanting trees and such.


Thank you everyone for your comments! :D

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Your name really fits this topic.

Hope I helped!

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    Steampunk Alchemist

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Well actually most of the damage had been done by the time I discovered it... but then when I discovered it I was so in shock I didn't do anything for like twenty minutes to fix it.


I have a chunk loader and I *think* that might have had something to do with it. It seemed to stay within the area that was chunk loaded, and when I broke the chunk loader and replaced it (same settings) everything started working the way I had originally intended.


I also used the opportunity to flatten some land for other purposes, and I've started replanting trees and such.


Thank you everyone for your comments! :D

True, trees can always be replanted.

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