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Chunk Loader for Mage Quest?

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  • IGN:Zylande
  • Modpack:Unlisted Pack

I'm extremely new to all of the mods in this modpack, coming from a vanilla experience. From the limited research I've done, I think the only chunk loader in 1.0.4 is from Witchery, which is the expensive looking poppet shelf.


So far it looks like my automation for item sorting and the like will come from a massive amount of golems and botania, though I haven't tested anything with blood magic.


Trying to figure out the mods is fun, though I think the quests should focus on how to use the items instead of just creation.


Even if it is just in helpful pages, something like "here is a simple layout for a mana farm using both the nightshade and dayblooms you created."




Err, I'm jumping topics. Is there another option for a chunk loader so I can explore and keep my limited automation running?



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I'm not familiar with some of the mods in this pack, so I don't know if there is one that adds a good chunkloader.


The poppet shelf loads the chunk it's in. You might need lots to have it be practical.


Also, there is a picture of a Daybloom setup in the Lexica Botania, under the Daybloom entry. :) It's a checkerboard pattern. No flowers on a any flat adjacent side.

1.6 modpack? Download Java 7 here. 1.7.10+? Download Java 8 here.

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