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Missing Pages

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    Advanced Member

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  • PipPipPip
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In the process of moving to ftbwiki.org, it seems that a few pages have gone missing. Luckily, it's not a substantial amount of information that got lost. Most of it should be there.


If you cannot find a page that was previously there, please let us know in this thread! Or you can leave a message on the talk page of one of the admins.




  • Members
  • Pip
  • 3 posts
  • Location:IE
  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

do we have permission to create the missing content  etc.. should we find a page  incomplete or not exist?


I'd be happy to contribute in that way 




  • Operator
  • 1980 posts
  • IGN:RZR0
  • Modpack:Private Pack

do we have permission to create the missing content  etc.. should we find a page  incomplete or not exist?


I'd be happy to contribute in that way 

This topic only refers to a few pages that were lost lost during the transfer, other missing conent is simply because it has not been added yet. Feel free to do so.

  • Artsja likes this

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