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Help Choosing A Modpack 2015 (beginning of 2016)

- - - - - which modpack choose choosing

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  • Members
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  • 1 posts
  • IGN:minestar77
  • Modpack:Unlisted Pack

Hello Community,


I searched for help in choosing the right FTB modpack, and found this thread: http://ftbforums.org...sing-a-modpack/


My idea: Could you fill this thread similiar and give a few tips for the right modpack nowadays? It's kinda general help thread so that not every person has to make its own thread :)



But if you would like to give me a personal answer please mark it with a note to differ it from the general posts: I´m mostly interested in realistic technology mods :)




  • Administrators
  • 2079 posts
  • Location:Not somewhere where people say a fake location to try to be funny
  • IGN:ZL123
  • Modpack:Private Pack
This is a personal answer:

I would suggest PneumaticCraft as one realistic tech mod, and possibly GregTech as well.

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZL234

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: which, modpack, choose, choosing

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