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Auto EMC?

rate82's Photo rate82 26 Apr 2016

Hello, I Was Just Wondering If There Is Some Way Or Another To Automatically Turn Items Into EMC, I Tryed Puting Them In With Pneumatic Tubes AND Buildcraft Pipes, N'either Of Which Were Working, So Is There Some Way To Do It I Am Not Aware Of? Or Is It Just Not Possible, At Least In The Version Of EE In FTB Retro?


timrem's Photo timrem 27 Apr 2016

If you're trying to pipe things into the Transmutation Tablet, that won't work. There's another block, the Anti-Matter Relay, which does allow you to pipe items in and converts them to EMC. You can then use a Klein Star to move the EMC to your tablet for creating items.


rate82's Photo rate82 27 Apr 2016

Thank You!


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