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FTB Legacy Launcher won't open (hs_err_pid produced)

Launcher error

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  • Members
  • Pip
  • 9 posts
  • IGN:killercreeper117
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

So it has been around six months at least since I opened my FTB launcher.  It now won't open at all.  The only thing it does is produce a text log file call hs_err_pid.  I have looked around the internet trying to find out how to fix it, but nothing works.  Here's the things I've tried. 


1.Deleting the FTB.exe file and %appdata% FTB Launcher file

2.Deleting my .minecraft and re downloading minecraft 

3.Updating Java to the most recent version of Java 8

4.Downgrading back down to Java 7u79

5.Running with only the 32 bit version of java 7 

6.Installing an earlier version of AMD's Drivers for my RX480 GPU (Driver version 17.2.1)


Out of all these, running the 32 bit Java 7 by itself actually managed to open the launcher, but freaked out about it not being the 64 bit version (which is understandable) but not acceptable.  


As of now only stock minecraft with no mods runs. Technic laucher doesn't work either and also produces those text log files.

Here's what one looks like.




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