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Rendering Error

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  • Members
  • Pip
  • 1 posts
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

When I played the Normal Map, it worked for 3 hours, then I had to close it. When I re-opened it, it worked normally until the world loaded, and then in the console I get 
########## GL ERROR ##########
@ Pre render
1280: Invalid enum
########## GL ERROR ##########
@ Post render
1286: Invalid framebuffer operation
########## GL ERROR ##########
@ Post render
1286: Invalid framebuffer operation
and then it spams until I quit. The sky also flickers and I am getting less than half the FPS I normally get. This happens on every world I start with the pack, I have deleted and re-loaded the pack multiple times without resolving the problem, added and removed optifine 1.2.5, it does not happen in the nether however. Can anyone help me with this?


E: The sky also flickers between black, gray, white, blue and red.

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