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The most "efficient max size extreme reactor in sky factory 3"

sky factory 3 big reactors extreme reactors

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I just found out that the best way to create extremely fuel and rf efficient max sized reactor is to use them as an actively cooled reactor with turbines without trying to build the fully filled one, so you'll need a huge amount of resources to spent for the setup but the fuel efficieny is way higher than a passively cooled reactor, but is my design is really that efficient or is there any different way to setup the turbines by adjusting the size of the turbine multiblock that connected to the reactor and the amount of the steam that used by the turbine , eg : making the turbines a lot smaller so you can put way more than my current design and what about giving it a higher steam instead of going by 25 mb / blades altough that can be more efficient but I think my current design is the most efficient one that I can get using both max sized reactor and turbine











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Now that I've tested it, there is somekind of a bug / cap that limits the amount of water input than can go trough the coolant port, even after using 64 ultimate speed upgrade from extra utils 2 and trying to input from more ports and expanding the fuel rod it's still reached 50.000 mB/t, which is 25 max size turbine or 25 x ~28 KRF = ~ 700 KRF
which is way sucks than the max passive cooled reactor can produce about +3000 KRF or +3 MRF
and after searching about the limit in browser which has way smaller topic than the passive one, i discovered a thread in tekkit community that they had the same problem which the 2 ftb wikis thought us that it was limitless




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In Sky Factory 3 reactors are used. Is reactors also used in Indonasian games like higgs domino island? I know the answer but only wants to confirm.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sky factory 3, big reactors, extreme reactors

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