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Strange world gen?

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I was on my private server today, looking for a place to set up a quarry when I came across something strange:

an X under  the water made of inverted yellow lamps with gold blocks under them as a base.

It was in a newly loaded chunk, and none of my player had been anywhere near the area. Has anyone else come across anything like this?

I play FTB Ultimate with useful foods added to the pack.

Pics provided. (Texture pack is Sphax)

Attached Thumbnails

  • 2013-06-17_16.47.11.png
  • 2013-06-17_16.47.22.png



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I have no idea what could cause this, but I have to ask: did you try digging under it for treasure?



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It looks like buried treasure like a pirate would find. Also, the treasure could be the gold blocks themselves. It sure is weird.

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I did.  There was a very small cave under the center of the X, but it contained only a few ores. Nothing special at all. There didn't appear to be any other caves or tunnels nearby according to the minimap. Checked all the way down to bedrock.




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I was going to mine the gold blocks, but I decided to leave it intact as a landmark on the map.



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I did.  There was a very small cave under the center of the X, but it contained only a few ores. Nothing special at all. There didn't appear to be any other caves or tunnels nearby according to the minimap. Checked all the way down to bedrock.

Did the cave have ores that usually spawn at those levels? Or did it have diamonds and such above layers they usually spawn?

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There was some iron, tin, a few xychorium and a little coal (only a few blocks of each). So nothing worth marking to come back to later. Nothing above either. It appears that X marks absolutely nothing. :P



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Unless you're using the new 1.5 stuff, I strongly suspect it was created by one of your users or some additional mod you're using.


It's possible that it's a gen bug or something, in which case the first thing I would check are the chunk boundaries and see if they line up with the X in any way.




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Ultimate pack using 1.4.7 with useful food added. All my players say they didn't do it. I have no reason to doubt them. The chunks seem to be loaded normally in the area as well.  I guess it could be a bug, but I've never seen the game render anything like that on it's own. The area is easily 12,000 meters from the nearest other player activity. I even checked the server logs to see if any random player had maybe stumbled onto the server, but nobody on the log that I didn't know (small server with only about 4 other regular players). I guess the mystery continues...



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Try getting the world's seed, remaking it in singleplayer, and teleporting to those coordinates to see if it's there again?

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I tried that too, and the area is different in single player than it is in the server. I checked some other areas that I had waypointed on the server, and most were the same. I think it may be different in this area because i added useful food to the server afer it was up and running, so it may have changed newly spawned chunks slightly due to it having some additions to world generation. I could be wrong.




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This is unusual. Obviously it has to do with RedPower, so if it wasn't a player but World Gen, the mod must have had RedPower API, or could be RedPower itself.

Hope I helped!

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