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FTB 1.5.2 NGT no config file for VoxelMap

1.5.2 ngt Voxel Voxelmap map FTB config

Best Answer JetsNovocastrian , 01 July 2013 - 02:44 AM

I jumped the gun there, whoops! I deleted the VoxelMaps waypoints in vanilla minecraft folder, but it did not delete all the waypoints. When I reloaded FTB, I searched for "VoxelMods" in my ftb folder and the waypoints now resides in \My Games\Feed The Beast\152ngt\minecraft\mods\VoxelMods\voxelMap. Deleting the files here will delete the waypoints :)


EDIT: The config files are set to default, but I cannot use them in-game (exception: the 'add waypoint' keybind does work).


Here is the voxelMap properties file contents (default settings for every mod)



EDIT: Problem fixed - Locomotive keybinds were taking priority. Changing the M key to SUBTRACT solved the problem

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I have recently updated my FTB 1.5.2 ngt pack from 0.5 to 0.7 and deleted my SSP world for a fresh start. I log in and find that VoxelMap still shows my waypoints from my previous world. I try the config settings that I changed to open up the map settings to delete them, and it doesn't work. I tried the default keys and they did not work either. I decided that I should change the config file itself, but I cannot seem to find one in my /Documents/My Games/Feed The Beast/152ngt/ folder at all. I deleted the config file for 152ngt and reloaded the FTB launcher. I checked the folder again and I cannot seem to find a config file for VoxelMap, forever leaving my waypoints enabled from my previous world (and cannot hide/delete them).


Am I missing something here? I think its staring me in the face and I cannot see it -_-







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I believe VoxelMap always uses your default vanilla .minecraft folder, in %APPDATA%/.minecraft/mods. Why it does this, I have no idea, but that's where VoxelMap settings and waypoints are saved.

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If you want to keep the waypoints for possible later usage (although somehow I doubt you would as the world's gone now) you can rename the .points file for your old world (it will be YOURWORLDNAMEHERE.points stored under /.minecraft/mods/VoxelMods/voxelMap) and keep the file and its data for later. BTW, you can also edit the file to wipe it clean for a new instance of a world with the same name using a text editor like Notepad, Wordpad or Notepad++. You can also delete the file outright to remove the waypoints.


.points files are stored as plain text, which means you can view and/or edit them with most any text editor. Right click the file, click Open With and then select your plain text editor of choice (fancy word processing programs like Microsoft Word won't work, most likely.) You should then be able to open, edit and/or clear the file via your text editor.

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My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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Thanks guys, helped heaps!




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✓  Best Answer

I jumped the gun there, whoops! I deleted the VoxelMaps waypoints in vanilla minecraft folder, but it did not delete all the waypoints. When I reloaded FTB, I searched for "VoxelMods" in my ftb folder and the waypoints now resides in \My Games\Feed The Beast\152ngt\minecraft\mods\VoxelMods\voxelMap. Deleting the files here will delete the waypoints :)


EDIT: The config files are set to default, but I cannot use them in-game (exception: the 'add waypoint' keybind does work).


Here is the voxelMap properties file contents (default settings for every mod)



EDIT: Problem fixed - Locomotive keybinds were taking priority. Changing the M key to SUBTRACT solved the problem

Edited by JetsNovocastrian, 01 July 2013 - 09:38 AM.




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I have a problem with loading Unhinged causing my menu keybind to disappear. It has long had an issue with Locomotive using M, however every time i launch Unleashed, it deletes my keybind and replaces it with "NONE". Has anyone ever had this problem?



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Perhaps the key config file is read-only?




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I am having an odd problem with Voxel through ftb. I loaded Unleashed and started it, and for some reason there is a giant cartoon elephant on my map, blocking me from using it.


I've never seen anything like it before. It's like Voxel put this in to purposely block me from using their map. And there's no config for Voxel in order to try and find/change it.


Has anyone else had this problem? It's just so strange.


Anyway...how can I remove this?



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I have a problem with loading Unhinged causing my menu keybind to disappear. It has long had an issue with Locomotive using M, however every time i launch Unleashed, it deletes my keybind and replaces it with "NONE". Has anyone ever had this problem?

Have you tried changing the locomotive key? And if you can't access the menu, you should try some of the non-lettter keys on the right your keyboard (such as = + # * ', depending on your keyboard layout). For some reason the menu key is always mapped to one of those for me per default.


I am having an odd problem with Voxel through ftb. I loaded Unleashed and started it, and for some reason there is a giant cartoon elephant on my map, blocking me from using it.


I've never seen anything like it before. It's like Voxel put this in to purposely block me from using their map. And there's no config for Voxel in order to try and find/change it.


Has anyone else had this problem? It's just so strange.


Anyway...how can I remove this?

Uh... are you serious? Do you have a texture pack enabled? Could you maybe post a screenshot?


And we should really open new threads for these.




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Okay...here it is. I have no idea what it is. It seems to do the same for the Dire Wolf pack. The texture pack I mainly use is Sphax, but I have different ones. Changing the texture pack did not remove the elephant either...I already tried. The other packs I have as options are John Smith (which I believe I got from the ftb site), Faithful, Sphax, and a home made pack I made which consists of mostly Sphax, but it's pretty much a mix of the three.


I first tried Unleashed a week ago, and had this problem. But I was just using it for single player, so to solve the problem I deleted Voxel mod and loaded Rei's minimap, instead. That fixed it...no problems.


But then I wanted to play it in multiplayer. Not wanting to have conflicts with the servers, I erased the entire folder and reloaded from scratch. Doing so removed Rei's minimap and returned Voxel mod...but it also returned the elaphant. So, I was hoping someone else out there maybe had similar problems and knew how to handle it. I have no idea where it's coming from or what to do to get rid of it.


It is kind of cute...but it hampers my map site.  :P


Update: I tried something new. I decided to change where the map is shown (it gives that option) to any of the other corners. The stupid elephant follows the map, it doesn't stay in place...



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Oookay, that is just crazy. Your post makes it sound like you always tried other texture packs - does the elephant also appear with the default textures? You should also restart Minecraft after changing the texture pack, sometimes textures "hang around" if the new pack doesn't have one to replace them.




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Uh....no. You asked if I have a texture pack enabled. I assumed you were going to ask if I tried another texture pack. But after the elephant thing, I was just mentioning that's the first thing I did was make sure it wasn't the texture pack I was using. :P


Yes, it's still there even in default. Though I didn't think to reset ftb, after putting it to default to see if it's still there. So, this time I did so, but...it's still there. :P


But it makes no sense. For a cartoon-made elephant to be there, wouldn't Voxel map had to have made it in the first place? I originally thought maybe it was something they put into their mod from a config file, made for server people who don't want people to use a map to cheat, and it would have to be changed to use. But they don't have a config. So, I was quickly stumped.


Again, I can remove the map mod, and replace it with Rei's minimap (which I have done in the past), and it works fine...no elephant. But I'm worried about the compatibility with servers I'd be trying to join. And if for some reason the servers accepted me using Rei's minmap, I doubt the mob part would work. So, I wanted to use the map that came with ftb, to prevent problems. But I'm not sure what to do.


I could copy the console load up, and try to paste it here to see if someone could find something in that. Maybe that would help indicate what it's doing? I'd be happy to help any way I can to try to take care of the problem. I just want a normal map mode.


Hey...I just thought of something. If removing Voxel mod from the thing altogether removed the elephant originally, and you're stating this is not a normal occurrence, then can you tell me the exact version of Voxel mod your using for ftb, and maybe I can upload that separately from their own site and replace it with the one presently working in the modpack...and maybe that'll fix it.




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Uh....no. You asked if I have a texture pack enabled. I assumed you were going to ask if I tried another texture pack. But after the elephant thing, I was just mentioning that's the first thing I did was make sure it wasn't the texture pack I was using. :P


Yes, it's still there even in default. Though I didn't think to reset ftb, after putting it to default to see if it's still there. So, this time I did so, but...it's still there. :P


But it makes no sense. For a cartoon-made elephant to be there, wouldn't Voxel map had to have made it in the first place? I originally thought maybe it was something they put into their mod from a config file, made for server people who don't want people to use a map to cheat, and it would have to be changed to use. But they don't have a config. So, I was quickly stumped.


Again, I can remove the map mod, and replace it with Rei's minimap (which I have done in the past), and it works fine...no elephant. But I'm worried about the compatibility with servers I'd be trying to join. And if for some reason the servers accepted me using Rei's minmap, I doubt the mob part would work. So, I wanted to use the map that came with ftb, to prevent problems. But I'm not sure what to do.


I could copy the console load up, and try to paste it here to see if someone could find something in that. Maybe that would help indicate what it's doing? I'd be happy to help any way I can to try to take care of the problem. I just want a normal map mode.


Hey...I just thought of something. If removing Voxel mod from the thing altogether removed the elephant originally, and you're stating this is not a normal occurrence, then can you tell me the exact version of Voxel mod your using for ftb, and maybe I can upload that separately from their own site and replace it with the one presently working in the modpack...and maybe that'll fix it.

I assume you've tried opening the Voxel map key (it's '=' by default) and looking through all the options there...?

Hope I helped!

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Okay, so I just downloaded a fresh Unleased 1.1.3, started a new world, no elephant on either the square or round map. Haven't got any of your texture packs (the FTB launcher was buggy with texpack downloads and MCforums are making problems), but as it seems to be texpack-independent that may not be important.



Peeked into the VoxelMap zip and couldn't find any elephants.




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Yes, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in the map command area that would remove it.


Well, I don't know why mine is dong that. Since no one understood what I was talking about, I'm assuming this isn't a typical thing. But when i googled it, it looked like atleast someone else might have had a similar experience as me, at one time:




Check it out, I'm not alone. And their answer was the solution I already used. But again...for servers, I want to use the mod everyone else is using, which isn't Rei's minimap.


Listen, if you don't want to believe me, then don't believe me. Just let me know which version of Voxel map ftb uses, and I'll try my next solution of removing it and re-loading a fresh one, and see if that works. I can't explain why it's happening...all I know is it's there, and I don't want it there.



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Wait, are you using this on a server? Perhaps if the server blocks entity radar or the map in general, it displays the elephant. Try turning off entity radar in the options.



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I think the map mods are entirely client side so the server couldn't block it.

At the main menu screen in minecraft you can click the mods button and find the version of voxelmap listed.


Looks like you'll want this one: http://www.mediafire...inimap1.5.2.zip




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I asked the server I was on about it, and they were as dumbfounded as you were. And it's not just multiplayer. It comes on as single player, as well. In the past, I resolved my single player issues by removing Voxel mod and replacing it with Rei's minimap.

But I wanted to go on the servers, and not have map mod conflictions (since if they're using the same unleashed pack, they're using voxel mod). So, I totally erased my unleashed pack and reloaded it. But doing so now had voxel mod back in, which meant the elephant was there. My first approach was infact to ask people on the servers. But I was mostly ignored cuz they thought I was f*cking with them.

Again...I don't know why I get this and other people don't. Maybe there's some weird thing in my computer that simply doesn't like the voxel map or something (maybe java? Who knows). So since no one knows what this is nor can seem to help me, all I can do is take steps to try to take care of it.

What I 'do' know is I can get rid of it by removing Voxel map and replacing it with another map mod (Rei's). That tells me Voxel has something to do with it. So, that's why I figured the next step I'd take is trying to remove the ftb Voxel map, and reloading a fresh one straight from the site and see if that helps.

My suggesting this does not mean I am accusing ftb of doing anything malicious. I'm simply trying to take steps to figure it out.

So...I went into the mod folder to try to figure out what version the voxel is myself, when I found out they do have a config file, but they have it in the mods folder. Why don't people explain this, when people are looking for a config file for this??

Anyway...everything in this config files seems to be normal. But I didn't know what this was:
Biome Overlay:2

What is Biome Overlay used for?

ftb seems to be running Voxelmod 1.5.2.u88. I'm going to check out the actual voxel website on the Minecraft forums, try to download their version, and see if that helps at all.


By the way, thanks tk...yeah, I'll check that out.  :)


Okay....since I wrote this message, I tried using the mod straight from Voxel map, itself...but I got the same thing when I did a reload. So, I'm giving up here...I'm going to refer this problem to their site to talk about it.


Thanks anyway.



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Biome Overlay is a setting in the Voxel Map menu. It allows you to change whether or not blocks on the map are tinted differently depending on which biome they're in. When enabled, grass in a swamp biome appears darker on the map than grass in a plains biome, for instance.



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Rei's Minimap's entity radar is controllable via the server's welcome message. Wasn't sure if something similar existed for VoxelMap. You should be able to use Rei's Minimap on servers without any problems, however you won't be able to use the entity radar and certain other "cheaty" functions, such as cave mode, unless the server explicitly allows it.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 1.5.2, ngt, Voxel, Voxelmap, map, FTB, config

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