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New World texture pack

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  • IGN:PyroEmbalmer
  • Modpack:New World Mod Pack

Will there be a Medieval texture pack? because i own a server and me and my buddies wanted to do this RPG thing with the Miilinaire mod where we each have a kingdom. We thought it would be great to have a texture pack for this pack. Will the FTB team be finding or making said texture pack?

  • PyroEmbalmer and cricketnath like this



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You're going to want to ask this question to the FTB team on the official FTB forums (forum.feed-the-beast.com) or on the FTB IRC chat (#FTB, I believe?) as the FTB team does not monitor these forums. These forums are maintained by an unofficial team of people who aren't affiliated with the development of FTB and merely enjoy the mod pack and giving back to the community. However, while you can't talk to the official FTB team here, these forums are a great place for:

  • Getting tech support
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  • Share your screenshots & videos of FTB, as well as good world seeds
  • And much more!

  • ZL123 and cricketnath like this

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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i am seeing new dress for girls

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