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infamy server help

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for the last 3 months i have been working to create an infamy server without writing any code (i dont know any javascript at all). I have taken models and files from all over the place, and now i finally have one that i can run on my pc, and sign into, but i transfered it to my brand new server, and it wont even start. the .bat file im using when started in command prompt by hand says 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. i downloaded java jre7 to it last night as i began work on setting up my server so it has a version of java, i just dont know why its saying that. i have added an enviroment variable called "path" using the directory that goes to the bin folder with the various java .executables, (searched for a solution and google came up with a java.com link showing that you may need to edit your enviroment variable called "PATH" but i didnt have one so i added it) even then, i have made almost no forward progress trying to get this to work, ive also changed the .bat to an exe in hopes that i could use my very limited knowledge of c# to fix it, and of course again... nothing. i dont know if its the fact im taking the files from a windows vista 32 bit PC, to a windows server 2008 R2 data center 64 bit server. i can imagine there may be some compatability problems from 32-64 bit, and between server 08 and vista, but ive tried almost everything i can think of, and nothing. if anyone knows of a solution to this problem, i will be overjoyed to take it at this point.



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If it is giving you that error then you've probably somehow set up your PATH environment variable incorrectly. I'm surprised you didn't have one already. I have loads of folders registered in mine.


Did you edit it through the control panel system properties, or via the command prompt? I think it is possible to register stuff in the command prompt that only relates to that session, so if you close it and open another you'll have lost it. 


If you just open up a command promt and type 'path' it should list the java folder you added.




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for the last 3 months i have been working to create an infamy server without writing any code (i dont know any javascript at all). I have taken models and files from all over the place, and now i finally have one that i can run on my pc, and sign into, but i transfered it to my brand new server, and it wont even start. the .bat file im using when started in command prompt by hand says 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. i downloaded java jre7 to it last night as i began work on setting up my server so it has a version of java, i just dont know why its saying that. i have added an enviroment variable called "path" using the directory that goes to the bin folder with the various java .executables, (searched for a solution and google came up with a java.com link showing that you may need to edit your enviroment variable called "PATH" but i didnt have one so i added it) even then, i have made almost no forward progress trying to get this to work, ive also changed the .bat to an exe in hopes that i could use my very limited knowledge of c# to fix it, and of course again... nothing. i dont know if its the fact im taking the files from a windows vista 32 bit PC, to a windows server 2008 R2 data center 64 bit server. i can imagine there may be some compatability problems from 32-64 bit, and between server 08 and vista, but ive tried almost everything i can think of, and nothing. if anyone knows of a solution to this problem, i will be overjoyed to take it at this point.

What uses javascript?

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
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I assume he thinks javascript and java are one and the same.




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I assume he thinks javascript and java are one and the same.

Yeah, they are totally different.

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZL234

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