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Crafting Guide—the step-by-step guide to make anything in Minecraft—Now on Mobile & Tablets!

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  • IGN:Tungston_Miner
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate
I've been quiet here for a while, but that's not because the site has been standing still! Of course, there are a whole bunch of new mods: Agricraft, Hydraulicraft, ProjectRed, and Tinker's Construct, just to name a few. More than that, crafting has gotten a major overhaul as well. You can now remove steps from crafting plans, adjust your inventory, and add new items all before hitting a button to get a new plan. It completely changes the experience; try it! And, if that wasn't enough... the entire site has been rewritten from scratch to work on any device from a 30" desktop monitor down to a 4" phone screen! Just imagine working on your next huge build with crafting guide showing your step-by-step crafting plans on your phone... take a look: http://crafting-guide.com

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