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2024/2025 Skyline University JUPEB/TRANSFER/POST UTME/DIRECT ENTRY FORM IS OUT ☎️(08068831129)DR.MRS JUDITH. The minimum entry requirement for admissi

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2024/2025 Skyline University JUPEB/TRANSFER/POST UTME/DIRECT ENTRY FORM IS OUT ☎️(08068831129)DR.MRS JUDITH. The minimum entry requirement for admission ☎️(08068831129)-(08068831129) is GCE O/L, SSCE, NABTEB, NECO or equivalent credit level pass in five (5) subjects including the English Language obtained at not more than two sittings. Those with additional (Direct Entry) qualifications such as NCE, IJMB, JUPEB, OND, GCE, ‘A’ level, or equivalent professional qualification, etc. are to proceed from 200L. Conversion programs (two sessions) for holders of university degrees, HND, ACA, or equivalents are also available. However, candidates awaiting results may apply provided evidence of results would be available before resumption. Candidates who did not choose the school initially in their JAMB application are also eligible to apply

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