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Some bugs with FTB Modpack

Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 15 Sep 2013

I have been trying to play the Ultimate pack for a while now, but some bugs are just driving me crazy.


Whenever I try to make a new Mystcraft age, I put in Single Biomes, Plains Biome, and No weather into the book.  When the world spawns, it will always become a floating island in the middle of the void.  Plus, it is almost never a plains biome.


Another weird bug is whenever I try to make an iron tank anymore, it does not work.  I put it together perfectly and it just doesn't work.  This started happening lately because I just made an iron tank for creosote.


Finally, some little bugs like there are sometimes glitches with mobs where they will have completely white back of heads and some other spots.


If you can, just tell me what I need to do to fix these problems.  If you don't know, it is fine, just wanted to know if I could fix it.


timrem's Photo timrem 15 Sep 2013

For Mystcraft, it's important to put the Biome page before the Biome Controller page (instead of "Single Biome, Plains Biome, No Weather", you need "Plains Biome, Single Biome, No Weather, Standard Terrain"). The Standard Terrain page is important so that you don't randomly get a Void world.


Could you post a screenshot of your failed iron tank? I've not heard anyone else complaining about this, and a picture would be easier to diagnose than asking 'are the edges made of tank wall/is it an acceptable size/does it have a valve/etc'.


No idea what's wrong with your mobs, but my diagnosis questions there would be "Are you using a texture pack/OptiFine?"


I hope at least the mystcraft answer is helpful :)


Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 15 Sep 2013

Thanks for the tip with the Mystcraft pages.  It is working fine now. Also, here is a picture of the tank I made.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 2013-09-14_23.21.16.png

ostPavel's Photo ostPavel 15 Sep 2013

Heh, tanks cannot be 4x4.

Possible sizes are 3x3,5x5,7x7,9x9. Minimum height is 4 afaik.




Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 15 Sep 2013

  • Oh, well that was a test tank that I made, the real tank that I was going to make was bigger than that.  If you want me to post a picture of that tank, then tell me to.

Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 15 Sep 2013

Actually, my mistake, I was making it in wrong sizes. I try to not look at the wiki cause I want to find out how to do stuff myself.


Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 15 Sep 2013

BTW, I wasn't putting the pages in the order that I said in the post. I was putting them in the order you told me, but I wasn't putting in standard terrain, so I think that that was the problem that I was having.


ZL123's Photo ZL123 16 Sep 2013

Please no double-posting. :)


Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 17 Sep 2013

What is Double-Posting?


timrem's Photo timrem 17 Sep 2013

What is Double-Posting?

Posting two replies to a forum topic in a row. If you were the last person to post in the topic, and you have something else to say, you should edit your last post rather than post a second reply (or a third, as you did above).


Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 21 Sep 2013

Alright, BTW, I made a Mystcraft  Age that has these pages in order as said: Extreme Hills Biome, Single Biome, Yellow, Sky Color, Yellow, Sunset Color, Dense Ores, No Weather, Standard Terrain.  As I said in the main topic, it made a floating island page and it wasn't an Extreme Hills, rather it was an Enchanted forest biome. Do you know what I did wrong?


ZL123's Photo ZL123 22 Sep 2013

Alright, BTW, I made a Mystcraft  Age that has these pages in order as said: Extreme Hills Biome, Single Biome, Yellow, Sky Color, Yellow, Sunset Color, Dense Ores, No Weather, Standard Terrain.  As I said in the main topic, it made a floating island page and it wasn't an Extreme Hills, rather it was an Enchanted forest biome. Do you know what I did wrong?

Did you put any spaces between the pages?


Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 26 Sep 2013

Did you put any spaces between the pages?

No, I didn't put any spaces in between them, but I do sometimes.  I was told that when you put spaces in between the pages, it doesn't matter.


timrem's Photo timrem 26 Sep 2013

Have you tried adding a Clear Modifiers page at the very end? I believe there was a bug at some point where this was necessary (I don't recall if it was in Ultimate or not).


ZL123's Photo ZL123 27 Sep 2013

No, I didn't put any spaces in between them, but I do sometimes.  I was told that when you put spaces in between the pages, it doesn't matter.

I think you need spaces.


timrem's Photo timrem 27 Sep 2013

I think you need spaces.

Spaces shouldn't matter, since when you transfer the pages to the book binder, only the order is retained (I think).


Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 27 Sep 2013

I tested once with the Clear Modifiers page and it worked, so that might by the problem.  I will test further and tell you if it messes up again. 


BTW, just edited this in, but I think I might have found another bug.  At random times in my world, my Wireless Access Terminal from Applied Energistics will disconnect from my controller and not let me get in unless I relink it. 


Also, when you press F7, that grid is supposed to pop up for the chunk boundaries, well, it isn't working for me, do you know why?


Kahless61's Photo Kahless61 03 Oct 2013

F9 for chunk boundaries. F7 shows blocks that hostile mobs can spawn on by drawing a red or yellow X on the top face of the block.


Sabdab's Photo Sabdab 05 Oct 2013

Neither of the buttons work for me and I don't know how to rebind it.  I cant find it in the control options menu.  I used to use them all the time, but they just unbinded themselves, so I don't know how to rebind them.


Update: FOUND A BUG! I have the Modular Power Suit in my world, and it seems that when I have the helmet on, it does not show the spawn blocks or the chunk boundaries wen you press the buttons.  I put on another armor helmet and both those buttons displayed! So tell me if that is a bug or that is meant to happen.


Although, I don't expect this to be fixed because from what I heard, the Ultimate pack isn't getting updated for a while.


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