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Style Guide changes (2013/02/13)

wiki changes

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This is a changelog for the Wiki's Style Guide. The Style Guide is a set of guidelines that applies to all articles across the wiki and should be followed.



  • A maximum of two videos per page is allowed.
  • Do not advertise your channel or ask for likes/subscribers in the video. Videos are there for educational purposes only.
  • Videos must have a have clear visuals and audio. They must be recorded at a good framerate, no muffled sounds and minimal background noise.
  • Videos must be as short and concise as possible.




  • Operator
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How about allowing additional inline videos on large pages?



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Hey there. Could you maybe elaborate? It's not a bad idea to include videos on specifics of a block, or practical applications. But how would you incooperate them on the page? Having more than two videos in a row might start to look cluttered, even on longer pages. Maybe the maximum could be raised up to 4, but I'm not sure how that'd turn out.




  • Operator
  • 1980 posts
  • IGN:RZR0
  • Modpack:Private Pack

I'd say, in extreme cases 3 in the video section, at 300px in width, rather than 450.

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