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Staff announcements about changes to the wiki and forums can be found in here.

  • 56 topics
  • 109 replies
Welcome to the forums! - last post by Danejoshua


If you'd like to introduce yourself, make a topic in this section.

  • 193 topics
  • 247 replies
How to Enhance Pool Privacy... - last post by Jays72

General FTB Discussion

This is the place to discuss general things about Feed The Beast.

  • 496 topics
  • 601 replies
Navigating the process to b... - last post by ataru


If you have a question about Feed The Beast or need help with it, try asking it in here.

  • 1343 topics
  • 4158 replies
Välkommen till vår webbplat... - last post by ataru

Map Seeds

Found a good seed you'd like to share? Post it in here with some screenshots.

  • 35 topics
  • 30 replies
At få et dansk kørekort beh... - last post by ataru

Wiki Discussion

You can discuss matters related to our wikis, FTBWiki.org and ATLWiki.net, here.

  • 373 topics
  • 1933 replies
At få et dansk kørekort beh... - last post by ataru