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Smallish AMPZ 2.0.4 server (Team-based PVP/warfare in stages, whitelist)

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  • IGN:Enceladan83
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

So, couple of weeks ago some friends and I threw some ideas around for a structured Voltz/Ampz-powered wargame, centered around a buildup phase of roughly two weeks, then progressing through DEFCON phases and allowing for more PVP and weapons to be used as we count down to DEFCON 1, with scoring and winners determined by the number of bases and outposts left standing by the end. Unfortunately, it seems that several of them who had agreed to join up changed their minds last minute. After I'd gotten the server up and running.


Rather than let a perfectly good server go to waste, I'm going to invite some folks to join up if they'd like. Going to be whitelisted of course, and most of the rules are really more of the "gentleman's agreement" variety (though I reserve the right to kick troublemakers.)


We've currently got five players split between two teams (and I think both teams are considered "locked"), so I'll look for about ten more people or so. You can form your own team and invite others not part of a team if you'd like, or you can go it solo. For the moment let's keep teams down to two or three people.

If you're interested, go ahead and give the following:

  1. Your IGN

  2. Want to start a team, be assigned to a team, or go solo?

  3. Your general level of skill with the modpack (for team balance)

(optional) 4. I'll consider adding someone else to be part of your team that didn't post here if asked.


I'll send a link to where I've got a more comprehensive list of the rules to those interested.




  • Members
  • Pip
  • 1 posts
  • IGN:TheCoCoFTW
  • Modpack:Ampz Modpack


I would like to be assiged to one

I have been called an explosive and trap expert at times. Im alright with traps and I know my way around missiles and explosives

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