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  • IGN:Echoju
  • Modpack:RPG Immersion Pack

I was derping around with the FTBLite 2 pack, looked through the creative menu, and found a strange mob egg. I looked at the name and it said it was a "Blizz" and the 1.6.4 thing said it was from normal Minecraft, instead of a specific mod. I looked around for a bit, there was nothing about it on the Minecraft wiki, google came up with nothing about it, so I was confused about what mod it was from, because it's clearly not from normal Minecraft, whatever it said. It looks like a blue blaze, and it dropped snowballs, so it could spawn naturally in snow biomes. If anybody could help me out with this, that would be great, but from what I've seen, either nobody has discovered it, or nobody has cared enough to think about it.



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Thermal Expansion just added this mob 3 days ago, so there's not much documentation yet.

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