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Looking for a modpack

agriculture aquaculture Forestry Buildcraft Pams Harvest Useful foods

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  • IGN:Barlock_James
  • Modpack:YogCraft Modpack

Please, I need some help.

I would like to find or have some one help me with a modpack containing these parts. Forestry; Agriculture; Aquaculture; Pam's Harvest; Useful foods; Buildcraft; and of course the base mods like NEI. I loved the Yogcraft Mod, but it is so outdated and does not look like it will ever be updated. This will be for my own personal use and not become a Lan or server ever. If some one could help me by either making this or direct me to someone who can put it all together and make it stable. I would love it. I really want a farming world with only a little automation. I have reviewed all the mod packs on your page, but none have these components together. Thank you for reading my post.



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  • Location:NJ, USA
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.7 Pack

Your best bet would probably be to download each mod you want individually. There are videos available about how to install Forge as an instance in the vanilla launcher (it's very easy). Then you can download the FTB Universal Configs, and you should have no problems with ID conflicts.

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  • Location:Not somewhere where people say a fake location to try to be funny
  • IGN:ZL123
  • Modpack:Private Pack

Looks like you'll want either the Horizons or Monster pack.

  • Horizons is the only pack with Aquaculture and Pam's Harvestcraft.
  • Both have Agriculture.
  • Horizons doesn't have BuildCraft or Forestry.

Whatever you do, you'll probably have to download two modpacks and copy the mods over. Just download Horizons and Monster, decide which one you'll use and copy mods from the one you're not using to the one you are. Obviously you don't need to use Monster, as other 1.6 packs have BC and Forestry.

  • Barlock_James likes this

Hope I helped!

YT: http://youtube.com/ZL234
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  • 4 posts
  • IGN:Barlock_James
  • Modpack:YogCraft Modpack

Well i did as instructed and it seems Forestry and Harvest craft will not play nice together. it is sad I wanted more of a Farmcraft then a Minecraft type feeling. thank you for the help :)

  • ZL123 likes this

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: agriculture, aquaculture, Forestry, Buildcraft, Pams Harvest, Useful foods

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