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I myself got enough competence to help out om most things related to FTB not working, mods not loading, etc


I can write it as a tutorial covering the steps needed in both windows and Linux (and eventually mac)


It there positive feedback from you guys to add such place on here that the freshest of the fresh may find in depth tutorials about the different packs, how to interpret errors, how to manually upgrade mod packs ahead of time, etc...


Very bad example:

  • I downloaded the FTB launcher, but I wont start
  • Check your error message, is your java PATH no set?
  • If not set, go to "Start button" -> Right click "My Computer" - > Click "Properties" - > Click on "Advanced System Settings" - > Click "Environment Variables" - > Under "System Variables" about on the middle of your popup box, there should be some stuff under it. Find "Path", click on it and click "Edit" - > add "; C:\Program Files\java\jre7\bin" after the text that is already there, without the ""'s (Note if you have 32 bit java, the path will be "; C:\Program Files(x86)\java\jre7\bin", again omit the ""'s.
  • Restart your computer and try again.

As I said, this is a bad example, here I've assumed the phantom error that can be fixed with this method, so yours may vary.


Post your error code from anywhere you generate on inside these


tags, or upload it to pastebin and paste a link to it, either works fine.



Edit: I'm gonna categorize and tidy this topic up tomorrow, way to late now

  • Aezex likes this

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You can view the tutorial section here: http://ftbwiki.org/Tutorial:Main
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I agree, tutorials should probably go on the wiki. But if you think there has to be a place to post them on the forums as well, go ahead and make your case :)



    Steampunk Alchemist

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I agree, tutorials should probably go on the wiki. But if you think there has to be a place to post them on the forums as well, go ahead and make your case :)

While tutorials do indeed go on the wiki, it seems to me that the OP was asking for a place for people to ask for help.

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