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Welcome To Aperture

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A new era of portal!

Hello good people of FTB. Today i am here to extend my popularity with my map. It is completely safe and secure to download

and i promise that on my own terms, i downloaded it myself so no hard feelings with viruses or hacks. (And if it is, i infected myself

with my own download!). So please take note im also working on a newer map known as Portal 2. Its the sequel to my first map

Portal Beta 1.5 . And yes you read me right, its in beta!So please take some time to test it . But, thank you, and Welcome To Aperture! 

Links Of Aperture!

Portal Beta 1.5:http://www.mediafire...6dbodsq60ewdtt2

Portal Alpha:http://www.mediafire...a8isqszb7d6zuah

Portal 2 Alpha 0.1:http://www.mediafire...t5de5q564f16259

A Goodbye!

So thank you for giving me your time,attention, and eyes to read this topic about my new Aperture portal games

that im very...very sure you'll all love! Credit goes to recanem for Beta/Alpha testing Portal. Check out his twitch!

And his youtube!

Links Of Recanem!



Check him out!

Paragraph Of Carter1337!

Also, i am the creator of this map,my ign,in game name,is Carter1337 so check me out!

I also make other maps such has WIP maps! More than alot thousand WIP maps.

To contact me, send me a PM on my twitch!

Links Of Carter1337!


A Final Goodbye!

So thank you very much for following through with all of this large

text and paragraph!Also, just to note Portal 2 Alpha is for FTB Alpha pack!

Second, the two other maps are for direwolf20 pack so check em out!

Final Links Of Direwolf20!


So thank you for looking at the links!

Mini Games?!?

Yes you read that subtitle right! I am making new mini games and new portal based games!

My latest one is called HFPC wich stands for HiddenForPortalCakes wich is a game that uses

items from portal and you must find them all and if you do you win! It also uses secret rooms

mod to amp up how hidden the items and cake are!  And if you do manage to find the cake you

are going to be rewarded with a gift that is not virtual to the map but to the game itself!









                                                                                           !Thank ^_^You!                                                          










Aperture Is Us!                                                                                                  Aperture Is Us!

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I think an explanation of what it is would be helpful. 


Ps. Don't like your own posts. Just don't do that.

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When in Trouble or in Doubt, Run in circles, Scream and Shout!




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What Is This?
Well thank you for suggesting ZERO :P Quite funny i was going to but then decided to let you guys see for yourself's
so there's no spoilers. But any who ill go ahead and tell you, its basically a portal map that has quite a few stages or chambers
to it that actually does have a back story to it unlike any portal 2 custom map or hammer-made map its more of its own thing
and dosent connect to the portal story. although that main character or test subject is recanem because hes the first ever to play
2/3 of my maps wich makes him someone to be remembered for helping my maps get a good start. also just a note this is just
to show people my map not to tell everyone what is is though as helpful as it would be,but i will.so its just like portal and
has the same style but rather isent a replicate to the portal game. but its more of like a custom map for portal.
So there ya go hope it helped also i unliked my own post :P

I think an explanation of what it is would be helpful.

Ps. Don't like your own posts. Just don't do that.

I doubt you can red this text, i can copy and paste i though!
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