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mindcrack server to join if you like

the IP is

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  • Location:Southern California
  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

hey hey all i just made a new mindcrack server and was wondering if anyone like to join soooooo if you got skype just send me a IM at nidrac85  or if you don't have that just Email me at MPCardin@aol.com and ill give you the server info. ok well see you all soon :)


ps i look it this everyday and ill put the date for the last time i was on for you all. right now i have just 2 people but i like to see more some come join and i like to get to see what all of you can build. see you soon!!!!




4/2/13 11:41am pst



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  • Location:minecraftia
  • IGN:xfritz5375
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.5 Pack
Can I join? You haven't gotten my PM.

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