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Quick & Easy Tutorials. No Unnecessary Commentary.


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  • Contributor
  • Pip
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  • Modpack:FTB Infinity

So I'm sure I'm not the only one who would find tutorial videos that were very long and talked about plenty of unnecessary stuff. You'd have to search through a 30 minute video just to find that 1 minute part of the actual thing you're looking for. 


Well, I decided that enough was enough and I decided to do some research and learn about as many mods and whats in it to help save everyone the trouble. I created a channel dedicated purely to Quick Modded Minecraft Tutorials. No annoying commentary. Easy to follow. And straight to the point.


There are many more vids on my actual channel itself, if you're interested: https://www.youtube....d&sort=p&view=0


Here are some example vids that I hope you'll enjoy as much as I did when creating:




Sorry for the advertising. I just wanna help people out, but not sure about the best way of getting these videos out there for people to see. Thanks for reading! :D

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