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Found a Easter egg.

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I start the modpack and i got this (big image) 






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  • IGN:ViperSRT3g
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Voxel tends to do this from time to time.
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Did it have the music too?

When in Trouble or in Doubt, Run in circles, Scream and Shout!




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I've seen it a couple times before, but I'm pretty sure there wasn't any music.

Hope I helped!

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Theoretically, the nyan cat soundtrack is supposed to play as audio for this, but I believe that it doesn't function properly due to a bad combination of voxel mods. My theory (non-corroborated) is that the audio on VoxelMenu, which generates this easter egg, is malfunctioning because it is being overridden by IntegratedSoundpacks, another "litemod" loaded with liteloader and made by the voxelbox team, which is supposed to fix mod-added sounds and texture pack added sounds but actually breaks a whole bunch of sounds in the process. I'm not sure if this is a fully documented occurrence, but in my experience, Voxel mods tend to fix one thing and break several more.

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My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.

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