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loading tutrle programs via localy via rom\programs

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You are suposed to be able to laod programs by putting them in .minecraft/mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/programs/. but only the vinlla install is there.


I have FTB insatlled at C:\Games\MineCraft\Direwolf20 and it looks like the correct path is C:\Games\MineCraft\Direwolf20\minecraft\mods\ComputerCraft\lua\rom\programs. I matched the files that show in game to the files in the modpack zip and was told in the computercraft forum to unzip the folder and it should work (I tried puting them in the zip).

Un-zip the zip file and name it "ComputerCraft". When you put a script
in there it should instantly update in-game when you restart a computer,


I tried restarting before removing the zip and FTB complained about dupe files. So I moved the zip. I had downloaded a program from the pastebin link and renamed the file to a name without the .txt. and put it in that folder. but it still doesn't show in game.



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Typing in the "programs" command in a turtle in game didn't list your new program?
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Typing in the "programs" command in a turtle in game didn't list your new program?

I hadn't tried that. I was doing a list on rom\programs. But no, That didn't show it ether. Only thing I can figure is because I am playing on a server and it has to go in the server folder, not my local which would really stink.



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Yea, I'm pretty certain that it has to be on the server...

Can you not use the http function "pastebin get"?



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Then you have to keep uploading changes to pastebin as you write and test it. Need a local folder that works on multiplayer games and should be outside the rom folder so you can work with it in game.



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This is where you'd need to tinker with it in singleplayer for the time being, before uploading it to be used on SMP.
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I put my scripts on turtlescripts.com. I've created a script called "getit" which auto downloads all the scripts  I usually put on my turtles, so if I make a change in the way my tunnel script work, all I need to do to update the scripts on a turtle is write getit.  


If you make an account on pastebin aren't you able to make changes to a script on pastebin without the get link changing all the time?




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I put my scripts on turtlescripts.com. I've created a script called "getit" which auto downloads all the scripts  I usually put on my turtles, so if I make a change in the way my tunnel script work, all I need to do to update the scripts on a turtle is write getit.  


If you make an account on pastebin aren't you able to make changes to a script on pastebin without the get link changing all the time?

yes, if you have an account, you can edit them without changing the ID



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This directory is a vanilla directory. Try inside your Feed the Beast/Direwolf20 folder. Something like:




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The opening post stated he'd already tried that.

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