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Guidelines question

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Are people allowed to use the advertising section as an applications for the server thing, like this: http://ftbforums.org...yers/#entry2872


I am just wondering if the section is meant to be able to be used as an application "forum" for the server.

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Yes, this is what that forum section was created for. Allowing players to advertise their servers, and accept applications through said advertisements. Usually players can PM each other to exchange information rather than posting it for the whole forum to see though.
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Yes, this is what that forum section was created for. Allowing players to advertise their servers, and accept applications through said advertisements. Usually players can PM each other to exchange information rather than posting it for the whole forum to see though.

OKay. I initially thought it was for just a single advertisement to get the name out and then for questions to be asked.

When in Trouble or in Doubt, Run in circles, Scream and Shout!

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