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Small Private Ultimate server(No Greg Tech)

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Hello my name is TheRussianNarwal and i host a small private ftb server for my friends and i and i was hopping to get some new faces on the server because sometimes it gets kinda lonely. nobody over the age of 15-16 because i don't want creepy weirdos pee-dos on my server trying to find out where i live. any way what i offer is a stable ftb server for you to play on. my server is on 24/7 and is lag free for most of the u.s very good if you live in Texas.any way one more thing there is no gregtech on the server but if enough people want it and are willing to help me kinda i will put it on my server.


what i need from you...



Skype Name:<-------------- needed xfire will also work

what can you offer

why should i let you on


gregtech or no gregtech?

Tell me a bit about your self

and ow often do you play

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IGN: Engineer256

Skype Name: live: mwcrowley97

What can you offer: well... I am definitely good with all

tech based mods, however with magic I am only a novice

Why should I let you on: you should let me on because, I want

to be able to hang out with people on minecraft, building things, causing
mayhem, helping other people with building…


Age: 16

Gregtech or no gregtech: simply put no gregtech. The reason

being is because it makes it incredibly difficult to start out…

Tell me a bit about yourself: I’m a guy for starters, and I like

steampunk (it generally influences how I build) and I love playing minecraft
(duh) but I also play D&D (dungeons and dragons) and command and conqure. Oh,
and I also fence (Olympic sport, not picket, chain link, and so on)

And how often do you play: I try to get at least an hour in
every day to wind down, but sometimes I do get too tired, so to truly answer
your question; about 1-2 hours a day.

(Side note: I like to role-play
so if I start talking funny let me know and I’ll stop)


Thanks for considering







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IGN: jordan14828

skpe name: jdesouge

what can i offer: i can offer i fun enjyoing playing expernice, no griefing, and any knowledge i have about this game i can give to yall for help


why should i let you on: you should let me on becuse i have been looking for a sever that doesnt always reset and has nice people in it that can help me if i need it. i just want to play ftb with people that want grief and i dont have to worry about protecting my stuff. just have some fun on ftb.


age: 16


gregtech: no gregtech becuase it just makes everything harder


tell me about yourself: well i am a baseball player that like to play ftb when i have time but i can never find a stable fun sever.


how often do i play; i try to play as much as i can but baseball gets in the way, but when i do have time i could play 5-6 hours a day. but i probably play 10-15 hours a week.


thanks for considering 





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IGN: d3v1lssk3tchpad

Skype Name: d3v1lssk3tchpad


What can I offer: Im very experienced with the FTB pack and If allowed me and my friends will play on this server. One of them may record and post to his channel. Therefore mabye some more players.


Why should you let me on: Because i am very good at building and creating.


Age: 15


Gregtech or no Gregtech? I would recommend Gregtech in easy mode. If thats not an option no Gregtech.


Tell you a bit about myself: Ive been playing minecraft sinse 1.0.0 Eventually I got into mods and well FTB. Im currently learning to code java and will soon start modding myself. 


How often do I play? I usually play every day/ every other day. Sometimes I have stuff to do and wont get on but I will try my best.


Extra: If I am accepted, I will have to discuss adding my other Friends.


Thank You for Your Consideration.








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Skype Name:Ninjaz_skype or Ninja_


what can you offer i  know pretty much know every mod so i can help anyone and im a great builder to help with building and im good with the basics of coding


why should i let you on because i can help the server and help ppl who dont know how to work certain things




gregtech or no gregtech? I think gregtech should be allowed because it makes the game take longer and end up being fun when without it everything is overpowerd.


Tell me a bit about your self I've beenplaying minecraft since the first release and started playing mod packsabout 8 monthes ago and have started to master each mod 4 tekkit and FTB


and how often do you play i hardly have anything to do so about 8-12 hours a day




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IGN: werehogrider531

Skype Name: werehogrider

what can you offer: well, ive basically become a sort of veteran at FTB, since I got into FTB during the beta pack, and I would really like to join a server, since singleplayer gets kinda boring.

why should i let you on: Well, im a builder, redstoner, and a guy who loves FTB. I really enjoy playing on small servers, cuz ehh, big, public servers get griefed too much.

age: 13(I'll be 14 in about 3 months)

gregtech or no gregtech? I personally like GT, mainly for the stuff like AESU and stuff, but I would prefer to play with regular crafting, rather than all this crap gregtech shoves at you. 

Tell me a bit about your self: Well, im just a regular guy, who loves MC, and loves FTB even more, so you would usually find me playing, either on this server(if you let me in) or on one of the other servers i play on.

and how often do you play: idk on an exact time, usually most of the day, if im not on, im either on another server, on singleplayer, or just doing something else. Yea, that's all, i hope you read this, and take it into consideration.




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IGN: sabre707

Skype Name: peytonwilliams77<-------------- needed xfire will also work

what can you offer: Lots of experience with FTB, watch many youtube FTB series including: Etho, Guude, nebris, Bluexephos, lividccoffee, etc. I have learned a lot and love the mod.

why should i let you on: Have lots of experience with FTB, I'm great with eu machines. (IC2). I'm decent at building. Love the idea of small servers, for example the mindcrack FTB server. sounds like a good way to have fun and get to know people.

age: 13

gregtech or no gregtech?: No gregtech, it makes thing a lot harder, but gregtech easy mode is always an option, Not much of a difference.

Tell me a bit about your self: I've been playing minecraft since 1.7 beta, have lots of experience with multiplayer servers, and know lots about FTB. In my free time after school I love to relax, play games and watch youtube videos.  FTB was my step up from tekkit, which I also loved a lot. I hope to continue that on this server.

and ow often do you play: On average atleast 1-2 hours on school days, and on weekends, easy 4-6+ hours.


Thank you for considering!




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IGN: StoneJoss

Skype Name: Hermitcrafter1

What can you offer: A lot of help, free time everyday, a good friend and a very friendly person! Anything else just ask me :D

Why should i let you on: It would be could to have me in your server. I'm not a noob, only sometimes i would ask something. I have a lot of ideas for a future YT project but i need a server. I think that this really makes it really simple 

Age: 17 (But i'm not a weirdo don't worry!)

Gregtech or no gregtech? No please. I don't really enjoy the game :l

Tell me a bit about your self: My real name is Carlos. I've been living in Houston since January and i'm from Venezuela. I'm a friendly and a helpful person :D I study in Rice University. Don't have much friends. Love the games and have a lot of ideas :D I know how to play. I've been playing a lot of games since 2000. 

And ow often do you play: 4 to 8 hours everyday! :D


Hope you accept me!





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why you should let me in: im looking for a small whitelisted server to build and create amazing things


Gregtech or no?:No, i personally like to use the things gregtech makes hard to do, early on.

About me:i am a very creative and good detailer, i am awesome with redstone but love ideas from others, i am very understanding about anything and can help with most problems that could occur to the server.

I play minecraft, an average of 5-10 hours a day(depends on if i am doing anyhting)




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IGN: PatrickJohns123


Skype Name: harry.bouskill


what can you offer: I can be very helpful and generous. I can also provide rainbows, happiness and unicorns.


why should i let you on: You should let me on because I am a very fun and funny person. I have been looking for an awesome server not filled with greifers and theifs.


age: 15


gregtech or no gregtech? Doesnt matter


Tell me a bit about your self: Im just a normal guy looking to play an awesome game with awesome people. 


How often do you play: Ill be playing pretty much everyday for a few hours.




(Pick me for UNICORNS and HAPINESS :P )




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Skype Name:BrendanBiggs

What i can offer : I am a very good a building large houses in perspective, also i am great with farms

Why you Should Let me on: you should let me on because i like servers that are just not open to the public.


Gregtech or No Gregtech: No gregtech

A bit about myself: i am a guy who likes minecraft and plays sports.

How long do i play:

I play about 5-6 hours every day.


Maybe se you there,





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IGN: Ninnjawhisper

Skype Name: Ninnjawhisper

what can you offer:  I love to make friends, I'm good with FTB, and I'm awesome...Is that an offer? xD Seriously, though- I love to build, craft, mine, and fight mobs.

why should i let you on: I would love to join a community of people my age (Yes! I'm so glad to find one!), and your server seems pretty nice.

age: I'm 14, 15 in a week. :)

gregtech or no gregtech? I like gregtech, but I'd be fine without it.

Tell me a bit about your self: I'm a senior (Skipped two grades + started school early), I'm a black belt, and I'm addicted to minecraft.

and ow often do you play: Daily when I can. During school, every other day but consistently on weekends.


Can't wait to hear from you! :)




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IGN: istratmoen

Skype Name: istratmoen ( Mo mic yet)

what can you offer: I'm relatively good with ic2 buildcraft railcraft and te 

why should i let you on: Im looking for a Small Ftb server that whitelisted so it doesn't have greifers or anyone who steals.

age: 12 turning 13 in August 

gregtech or no gregtech? No gregtech

Tell me a bit about your self: I play sports and also play a fair amount of games. Minecraft has always been fun though.

and how often do you play: 1-4 hours each day depending on certain things




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IGN: Bryson6505

Skype Name: Bryson6505

what can you offer: i don't really like to live alone and i really like to live with others, so i like to help a lot. Also i am really good at automating ic2 and forestry, plus i know how to use all the mods. I am very sorry that i am not the best builder but if u want i can try

why should i let you on: please it would mean the world to me i have been rejected so many times because i was too young finally i get to be with people my age

age: 13

gregtech or no gregtech? i don't really care, but i do like a challenge 

Tell me a bit about your self: i play soccer and basketball, also i am getting a new computer to record videos, if you dont want this server on youtube than i wont record

and how often do you play:2-3 hours a day (sometimes 4)



P.S. you can Email me the server ip at Brysondlothamer@gmail.com 

I really hope you let me on, thanks in advance for reading my submission 




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Skype Name: jeromthomas96

what can you offer: i good at building and i love creating farms and messing around with bees

why should i let you on: its hard to find a small server for the younger kids that's actually based in Texas

age 16

gregtech or no gregtech? i have played with gregtech before and its gets way too annoying so no gregtech

Tell me a bit about your self: i am Indian, live in Houston. i run cross country and track 

and if you could email at jeromschool@gmail.com for the server info it would be nice or on Skype

and ow often do you play: it depends on the day i play a lot in the summer and the time lowers during school days so about 2-3 hours average 

thanks for considering me to join your server 




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what i can offer-i can help newbie players on the server figure out how to play and help them get resources.


why i should be on- i never grief, i love to help others and, i love to build nice things




gregtech or no gregtech?- no gregtech EVER gregtech is the bane of my existence the curse of my life THE HATRED IN MY BLOOD


some things about me and when i play- im very good with thaumcraft, twilight forest, and ic2/thermal expansion. i do play alot :P maybe like 5 hours a day... after all i dont have anything better to do



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Skype Name: None

what can you offer: I will gather almost all of your resources and I can build

why should i let you on: I will help a lot

age: 11

gregtech or no gregtech? Not until you get quarries running

Tell me a bit about your self: I am relatively new to tekkit and feed the beast, but I pretty much stopped playing vanilla, and now I do FTB. I know the basics of the tech mods, but I am good at magic.

and how often do you play: When I am not at school or practicing my instruments

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