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CameraCraft is missing.

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  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

In the FTB mod select window, when New World is selected it lists CameraCraft as an included mod, however when playing New World I can't find any of the items (like Camera) in NEI, and CameraCraft is not listed in the loaded mods.


Is anyone else experiencing this? and can anyone help resolve this?





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  • IGN:RZR0
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I'm certain it is, or at least was in there. It's possible it was removed in the latest build, which upgraded the pack to Minecraft 1.5.2.




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  • Modpack:New World Mod Pack

It was infact removed in version v6.0 I was always told that the .xml of the mod-pack was to be updated by the modpack team with FTB. Apprently thats not true, I will update the xml discription by hand from now on. Thanks for pointing this out.

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