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Looking for small group for survival and ambitious builds

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  • IGN:Sparkee_
  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

I've played a lot on single player using the Beta Pack A, but tending to use the mindcrack pack now. Would love to find a few people to play quite actively with, focusing on building large systems, mechanisms and networks, etc.


I'd prefer to play with people who are least 20 years old, though if you act like you are, that's fine also ;)

I may be able to host the server in the future, but not to begin with.


For more information, feel free to message me.




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  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate Come Join and play. We are a friendly community of FTB'ers who want you to have a blast playing Ultimate 1.4.7.




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  • IGN:ale700
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

Join our Survival server, Craftblock.me at the Ip ftb.craftblock.me

It's and FTB Ultimate server, come visit and meet load of great people who want more players to help build and have a awesome time.


You can also join our website at www.craftblock.me 


It is a PVP, but only when you want to though.




  • Members
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  • 2 posts
  • IGN:djreeskak
  • Modpack:MindCrack Pack

look at my forum post, see if you like it :)

hope to see you there



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