Hello! Iv just figured out a way to make a simple and effective way of powering off my Electric Engine when my targeted machine has been "filled" with the maximum MJ it can handle!
The setup is based on the time it takes for an engine to fill a Pulveriser with the MJ it can store.
You need:
2 x Toggle Latches
1x Timer
7x Red Alloy wire (or redstone)
2x cover plates / strips made by cutting blocks with a saw on your workbench.
Step one:
Check the ammount of MJ your engine produces per tick, multiply this by 20. (20 ticks per second)
Check the ammount of MJ your machine can store. Divide this number with the total output of your engine.
Fex :
2 * 20 = 40
4800 / 20 = 120
The engine outputs 2 MJ every tick, that adds up to 40 MJ per second.
The Pulveriser can hold a maximum of 4.800 MJ.
It will take the electric engine about 120 sec to fill our pulveriser! Good.
Step Two:
Setup the wires and latches accordingly to the picture below. The RED streak on the far right (top) is the redstone output and the white is your ground.
(The red/white streaks can vary depending on how the lever on the second latch (far right) is positioned, switch that lever until you get your desired effect)
The "Yellow" cable resets the end latch.
The Pink cable stops the Timer from looping.
This setup doesnt always work, some redstone bug i guess.