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[FTB] Craftblock's FTB Ultimate Server [No whitelist]

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  • 7 posts
  • IGN:ale700
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

Craftblock FTB Ultimate Survival Server


Hey, us at Craftblock would love any new players to join us on our server.


You can join an awesome community of friendly people who will help you in anyway possible.

There are plenty of people to help; Owners, Admins and Moderators who are very active.

You can visit our website: www.craftblock.me


The server IP is: ftb.craftblock.me




- No griefing 

- Treat all players with respect

- Build...   :D


Any other information you need just contact me at:   ale700@outlook.com 


Thanks for reading and I hope to see you on the server soon!  :)

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