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I need to purchase some books urgently

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  • PipPip
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  • Modpack:FTB Infinity

Hi guys!!! I urgently need to buy some books for my university courses, but new books in stores are too expensive for my budget. Do you have any recommendations where I can buy used books at reasonable prices?




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  • Modpack:FTB Infinity

Hello. I understand your situation. I would recommend checking out BooksRun, a used bookstore. This site specializes in selling used books, including textbooks, at very reasonable prices. They offer a wide selection of literature and nationwide shipping. Plus, they have a great exchange program that allows you to sell your old textbooks after you are done with them. Many users have commented on the reliability and quality of service of this site. So, I think you should keep it in mind when looking for books to study!




  • Members
  • PipPip
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  • Modpack:FTB Infinity

Hello, I’m also into buying used books. I also recommend checking out local book fairs and stores in your city. Sometimes you can find unique copies there for a good price.

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