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DeVco FTB Unleashed 1.1.3, NO Whitelist, 24/7, iConomy, grief prevention.

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  • 2 posts
  • IGN:devryb
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed
DeVco FTB Unleased 1.1.3

Click to visit our website
Click for instructions on how to join
Enable these mods:
Biomes O plenty
Nether Ores
Hat Stand
Vender Block

01. The Admins word is above all, even these rules!
02. No griefing of any kind/bypassing plugins that prevent this.
03. No stealing/bypassing plugins that prevent this.
04. No pvp, it's turned off, bypassing that is a violation.
05. Do not cheat/bypass the AFK kicker to keep a chunk loaded.
06. No swearing in chat.
07. Exploiting any dupe bugs is a violation.
08. Don't harass other players.
09. Don't give items to players of the Newbie rank.
10. Client side mods are ok so long as they are not cheaty in nature (ex. x-ray mods)
11. The buildcraft pump is banned from use in the nether. Use the Ender-Thermal Pump instead.

Full listing of banned items based on ranks

General Info:
Thank you for visiting our server promotion thread. We are a brand new community on a new server recently started by a well experienced staff team. They know their stuff and are easily approachable!

Grief prevention and lwc are installed/configured for FTB to protect your stuff
PVE survival server. PVP is disabled
iConomy and chestshop are installed for your shopping needs
Voting for our server rewards you with diamonds/money in game
Server donation shop with a diverse set of kits/ranks to choose from
Several ranks in game which unlock banned items and more commands. Promotions are automated based on play time.




  • Members
  • Pip
  • 2 posts
  • IGN:devryb
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

We are now using a new domain name, OP has been updated with the new urls.

Website: http://www.devcoftb.com
Server: play.devcoftb.com:25695

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