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FTB Unleashed Crashing ERROR?!

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Hey FTB Community!

Whenever I join a specific FTB Unleashed Server, my game crashes immediately. The admins and I have tried many things;

- /Butcher
- Killing my dogs
- Stopping machinery
- Destroying my rock crusher
- Breaking the block where the error message said I spawn
- Attempting to TP me to spawn as soon as I join
- Force updating
- Complete reinstallation

Now, this all happened after I made my rock crusher and my game crashed. Other players can visit my house just fine -I crashed at my house- and there's no corrupted chunks, and no corrupted blocks to our knowledge.

Here is the error message: http://pastebin.com/RZC7ZVBr




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You've got a problem with DartCraft, specifically rendering of a specific DartCraft entity (my guess is Ender Tots, those things are annoying and problematic as all anything) that the crash doesn't specify. Fixes I would try:


  • Disable spawning of Ender Tots in the configs for everyone on the server and the config for the server itself, restart the server, /butcher to remove all remaining Ender Tots, then log in.
  • Try removing all Force Infusers or other DartCraft blocks that aren't full blocks in-world that you can find.
  • Remove OptiFine on your client if you have it.
  • Make sure nothing is modified on the client side at all. If you've changed anything around from the default FTB package, revert those changes.
  • Clear your inventory or delete your player.dat to make sure that there are no DartCraft items in your inventory.
  • If none of the above work, removing DartCraft outright should fix the problem, although it will result in the removal of any and all DartCraft items and/or blocks that you've crafted.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.




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You've got a problem with DartCraft, specifically rendering of a specific DartCraft entity (my guess is Ender Tots, those things are annoying and problematic as all anything) that the crash doesn't specify. Fixes I would try:


  • Disable spawning of Ender Tots in the configs for everyone on the server and the config for the server itself, restart the server, /butcher to remove all remaining Ender Tots, then log in.
  • Try removing all Force Infusers or other DartCraft blocks that aren't full blocks in-world that you can find.
  • Remove OptiFine on your client if you have it.
  • Make sure nothing is modified on the client side at all. If you've changed anything around from the default FTB package, revert those changes.
  • Clear your inventory or delete your player.dat to make sure that there are no DartCraft items in your inventory.
  • If none of the above work, removing DartCraft outright should fix the problem, although it will result in the removal of any and all DartCraft items and/or blocks that you've crafted.


Well you see, I'm not admin/owner, so I can't do any of that. 



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Well you see, I'm not admin/owner, so I can't do any of that. 

You can remove OptiFine if installed, that's purely client-side. As for the others, you've already said you've worked with the admins to resolve this; you can do so again, no?


Edit: I see "renderEquippedItem" in your log, so it's likely something your character has equipped, in which case having the server owner delete your player.dat has a good chance of working.

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