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www.urbtekk.com *-Non-Whitelist Griefprevention Direwolf20 & Ultimate -*

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  • IGN:___LeV___
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 Pack



Come join our growing family. We run Direwolf20 & Ultimate packs and soon Direwolf 1.5 ! 

All of our servers are ran on a dedicated server with 32 gigs of ram and no lag they offer grief prevention  , economy and have very very few banned items come check us out at www.urbtekk.com Each person who joins us Give this promo code to a admin or mod for 1000$ in game cash ! Code:urbtekkftb1

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  • Members
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  • 1 posts
  • IGN:VinyI_Scratch
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

Awesome server! No lag or worries about getting my stuff griefed! I play on here almost every night, no matter which pack i'm in the mood for. Hope to see you there!

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