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  • IGN:FatalCrusher
  • Modpack:FTB Ultimate

FXCraft FTB Server is a friendly place where people build amazing things and can have fun interacting with the whitelisted community (hopefully will open up to non-whitelisted). We expect people to be respectful of other's stuff and no griefing or you will be banned! We currently have 5 people on the server but we hope to grow to much more. Visit our website http://fxcraft.wix.com/fxcraft to download the application and email it to fxcraft13@gmail.com


We currently have 5 Town plots (more to come) available for stores/businesses ONLY! Personal houses may be built no closer than 300m away from the center of spawn and at least 200m away from other player's houses. Town plots are available for players who donate a minimum of $5 (USD) monthly.

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