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Assembly machine bugged for certain recepies

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OK. You can add upgrades to the assembly machine by right clicking them.  The assembly machine seems to work fine with a couple overclockers.


However, as soon as you add any overclockers you will no longer be able to do the olivine/emerald/olivine dust + advanced circuit to make data storage units. It will consume the items, but it will glitch the machine and you will have to pull it up before you can do anything else with it.


Now, seeing how it takes 160 seconds to do this, i would suggest when you get to the point where u need these to just make a few assembly machines until this bug is fixed.


I have not tested this with any of the other machine upgrades yet, and would not be surprised if they broke this recipe as well, or if any other recipes did not work with upgrades either. 



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Have you tried adding battery upgrades, or transformer upgrades and placing it on a higher-tier line? My guess (and it's no more than a guess) is that since 1 overclocker upgrade causes a GregTech machine to draw 4x power, the assembly machine is getting caught in a loop of running a bit, losing power, and resetting its progress. You may want to try it out in a test world before using resources for a solution which may not work.


From a power-saving perspective, your work-around of using multiple machines is always better than using overclocker upgrades with GregTech. Having 2 machines uses 2x power to get things done twice as fast (unless you only have 1 thing to craft), while using an overclocker uses 4x power to get things done twice as fast.



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Cheat yourself a debug scanner, right click the assembly machine with it and you'll almost certainly see that the internal energy store is empty.

Just as Timrem said you'll need battery and/or transformer upgrades and a higher EU/t energy supply.

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