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No advanced machines?

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Been poking around in Unleashed - having fun


...and then I notice that there are no Centrifuge Extractors, singularity compressors or the likes in Unleashed


Basically the whole http://ftbwiki.org/Advanced_Machines mod seems to not have been included.



Why is that?



...and how do I add them manually? I've tried going here for the official mod thread: http://forum.industr...d&threadID=1174 - and then adding the mod_advancedmachines-client-3.1.1.zip mod via the launcher - but none of the advanced machines show up in the game :(



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The thread you're looking at provides versions of Advanced Machines for very, very outdated versions of Minecraft (official release 1.0), so go look at this page here to find a version that's current for Minecraft version 1.5.2.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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The thread you're looking at provides versions of Advanced Machines for very, very outdated versions of Minecraft (official release 1.0), so go look at this page here to find a version that's current for Minecraft version 1.5.2.

thank you
the thread I found was via the wiki here... should probably update that to what you linked to me
However, I get a crash-fail message when I try to use the Adv-Machines 1.5.2 build - should I be using a different one?
Something about the object ID numbers overlapping with some things from nuclear control - any way to get around that?
...and I am still curious: Why are these things not a default part of Unleashed?



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Something about the object ID numbers overlapping with some things from nuclear control - any way to get around that?


That's just an ID conflict, which you have to deal with very frequently when using multiple mods (and part of why FTB is so awesome: the team handles the ID mappings for all included mods so we don't have to!). All you should have to do is 1: find a cluster of unused IDs, 2: go into the config for Advanced Machines, and 3: assign the unused IDs to Advanced Machine items as necessary.



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That's just an ID conflict, which you have to deal with very frequently when using multiple mods (and part of why FTB is so awesome: the team handles the ID mappings for all included mods so we don't have to!). All you should have to do is 1: find a cluster of unused IDs, 2: go into the config for Advanced Machines, and 3: assign the unused IDs to Advanced Machine items as necessary.

Ok... sounds simple enough - is there a tutorial on how to find one such cluster???



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You could use NEI to get an ID map dump and search for unused block IDs. Go to your inventory screen, then Options, then it's something like ID Dump Settings, then Dump ID Map Now. You'll find the ID map text file in your FTB install directory.


Regarding why Advanced Machines isn't in Unleashed, it might be considered OP because of processing speeds (i.e. condensing a bunch of operations into one block instead of a large array of blocks) that can easily be "overclocked" without upgrade crafting, only requiring a redstone signal and sufficient power (read: ultimate hybrid solar panel(s)) making the pack basically an instant godmode by way of the sheer speed with which things can be processed. (this is a guess, the true reason is a question for the FTB team :/ )

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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Fair enough - and thanks for the tip on the ID map


As per whether they're OP or not - I dunno - the constant power drain makes it difficult to maintain a constant high-speed process early on in the game - but I guess this was what Gregtech tried to address by making things like Macerators really expensive.


...heck, if it wasn't because FtB: Ultimate didn't have Insertion Transport Pipes for some odd reason, I'd still be playing that instead - but hey, can't have it all



Now if I could only find that Advanced machines config file... I've tried looking through the thing manually, and doing searches on *.config, *.cfg, ID, itemID, blockID - even unpacking the mod rar and searching through it, looking for the same stuff again... and I've found plenty of references to strings like "blockID" - but no pointers to any actual file with a list.


What am I missing here?



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It's not inside the actual mod folder, it'll be inside a folder called "config" that's located in the same folder as the "mods" folder where you put the Advanced Machines jar file in.

My username is digitallyApocalyptic. I contribute where I can on the wiki and I've previously built pretty much the entirety of Category:Twilight Forest. I play FTB Ultimate, some games on Steam, and I follow MS Paint Adventures.



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Ah ok - found it - now lets see if this works...




It does! Awesome! Thanks for the help - now: Onwards, to the twilight forest!





Finally got around to making some of them - and I got this weird crash when I tried to access my Rotary macerator:




Basically it looks like some kind of error with the Rotary Macerator - but I have no clue what's wrong or how to fix it


Suggestions anyone?




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Something about the object ID numbers overlapping with some things from nuclear control - any way to get around that?


Which id number were they? im installing it and it would help if i knew ahead of time what i had to change



never mind. i didnt need to change any

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