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Liquid Sensor Kit on iron/steel-tank

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hi there,


i have built a refinery, creating fuel from oil, feeding liquid steamboilers and creating steam (in an immense amount btw ^^ works perfect). to have an overview of the amount of oil/fuel/steam i have in my tanks i wanted to link a "liquid sensor kit" to one of my steel tanks like i would link it with the old normal ones (the 1-block tanks), but it doesnt seem to work.

the tanks are all maxed, 9x9x8, and working (liquid is flowing in and out, no problem there).


do i need another sensor kit? or use it different, while sneaking or something? 


thanks in advance


edit: this is solved, thanks to dgelessus, now its about connecting more than 3 tanks together in a advanced industrial information panel... 



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You should try placing it on a tank valve that could output liquid, i. e. is in the bottom two layers of the tank. Tanks only interact through valves, so the other parts of them probably don't count as standard tanks and thus don't work with sensor kits.

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damn it, OF COURSE the valve >.< yeah, it did work, thank you very much.


but now i have another problem: 

i am pumping oil into a very large tower made of maxed tanks (2 tanks x 2 tanks wide and 3 tanks high, giving me 12 x 20mio mB oil), which is underneath connected via liquiducts, feeding an array of refineries.

i wanted to have an industrial information panel showing me the amount of oil in ALL tanks together (around 240 mio. mB when full). since the advanced information panels can only hold up to 3 sensor cards - any idea how to connect more then 3 tanks together?



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Unfortunately I'm not an expert with Nuclear Control, but I know that there's a way to compact up to four energy sensor cards into one item, however I don't know if a similar thing exists for liquid sensor cards. Even then they would still appear as separate tanks on the display - there is no way to connect two tanks so they are treated as a single one.

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