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Modern Minecraft FTB Unleashed [40Slots][Economy][Towny][New]

towny economy government businesses people roleplay

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  • IGN:EBink29
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed

Welcome to Modern Minecraft a fun FTB Unleashed server that is based on the real world featuring real working societies! Our server has businesses, governments and more! Through our the use of Towny and responsible players we have created a server that minimizes the need of administrators and mods and have put most of the power on the hands of the player. On our server different countries and towns can decide how they want to be governed and what path they take. Within cities and countries order is shown and the intellectualism of man's mind flourishes, but outside those cities lies a blank canvas covered in gleaming frontier and deadly pirates. Out here you can kill,steal, an rob, or get killed, be stolen, and robbed from. But doesn't matter what you do except that the choice is yours! Maybe you want to become a political official, or maybe a big time business tycoon, an old hermit, a raging warlord, all we know is that the CHOICE IS YOURS! We hope that you come and see what its all about on Modern Minecraft!



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  • Location:minecraftia
  • IGN:xfritz5375
  • Modpack:Direwolf20 1.5 Pack


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: towny, economy, government, businesses, people, roleplay

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