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Cap on # of images allowed

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So I was about to edit my post in the screenshot section to add more screenshots, but I hit the limit, is it possible to raise this? and preferably to 50 in that sub-forum, elsewhere it should be kept somewhat low like it is now. But for a sub-forum dedicated to sharing screenshots, the cap should be raised.

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there should also be a template for imsges so they dont take up so much room. Like for example, each picture has a button which is clicked to show the picture, and if the button is clicked again the picture will hide, so it is easier to scroll through.

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there should also be a template for imsges so they dont take up so much room. Like for example, each picture has a button which is clicked to show the picture, and if the button is clicked again the picture will hide, so it is easier to scroll through.

that can be achieved with spoiler tags I think, if we got them, test below





On a side note, a way to resize images would be great, I had one oversize image that I couldn't find out how to shrink.

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The spioler thing is good, but spoiled is not a good title for an image.

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The spioler thing is good, but spoiled is not a good title for an image.

That is true.. I don't think you can edit the "Spoiler" [Button] text, but lets try some ideas;




[spoiler=Alternative Text]This spoiler may have another text[/spoiler]


[spoiler="Alternative Text"]This spoiler may also have another text[/spoiler]


First one will work, the second and third may be broken, we'll see when i press "Post"



Edit: they do not work, that's to bad..

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OK cool.

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Yeah, I do think that it's sensible to be able to post more screenshots on the screenshot section!

Hope I helped!

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Yeah, I do think that it's sensible to be able to post more screenshots on the screenshot section!

Or add a more screenshot friendly section to the forums. Posting Screenshots where it was designed for text is a little awkward.




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I would like to add that we would require screenshots posted to be contained within the spoiler tags for easy of browsing the threads.
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So any update on this yet? I've done so much in my factory now and I want to share it all :P

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I think you can post if you use the spoiler tags with pics in it.

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In photo booth or some picture editing program.  Try putting the pics together.I haven't tried it but it might work


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Just post your pics to a new post! Pretty sure that works.

Hope I helped!

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