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Looking for a friendly Unleashed server

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  • IGN:esojazrag
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I am pretty much looking for a friendly, social server.  My current server lost interest and there is just a few ppl that ever get on.  I am somewhat new to unleashed but i do enjoy the game and don't mind constructive criticism and advice.  Some things about me: father of two (1 and 2yr old), enjoy sports, anime, art, bacon and gaming.



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Tree Craft is mindcrack FTB, but soon we will get a custom pack. We are friendly and looking to grow, nothing banned!!!! Go to our website at: treecraftgames.webs.com




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  • IGN:CrazyLonghorn
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Hello, I am an FTB Unleashed Owner , my server is in 1.1.7 with MystCraft Disabled and few banned items to prevent grief and frustration.. we have a mature community with older players and staff.. we would be delighted to meet your requirements. being that we have Survival, Economy and Donations as well as Grief Prevention and an Updated Spawn and Public Recharge ..


If you are interested Connect here... shadowftb.cbyte.co:25577


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Public Forums and Donation Website: www.shadownetwork-mc.enjin.com



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I need to find a suitable dedicated server for my project. Can you share your experience using dedicated servers and recommend a reliable provider?



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Yes, sure! I know of an excellent dedicated сервер vps with gpu that, in my experience, fully meets the requirements of any project. It provides high performance, stability, and data security. In addition, the provider has an excellent support team that is always ready to help resolve any issues that may arise. If you are interested, I can tell you more about its capabilities and rental conditions.




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