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MONSTERCRAFT | ULTIMATE 1.1.2 | Open Server | 24/7 dedicated | 20 slots | Essentials | NEW |

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M0NSTERCRAFT. 24/7 dedicated FTB Ultimate, Survival server. Always striving to achieve 100% server uptime. Running 3.6ghz quadcore CPU and 8GB Ram.  high speed fibre internet connection. 20 slots (but it may increase later). Its currently an open server however may become private later once it becomes populated (depending what everyone thinks). Looking for mature players to start a small community.  Come and check it out!!

General Information:

Owner/Admin(s): WEEDM0NSTER, TBA.

Server Start Date: October 27, 2013 [fresh beginnings for everyone]

Server Location: UK
Server Difficulty: NORMAL
Plugins: MYMC+, ESSENTIALS (/spawn, /back, /sethome, etc.), Protection Stones, Worldgaurd.




-Respect other players (No Griefing or Raiding).
-No hacks, or cheats.

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