hi ive just recently aquired FTB and are trying to use maps for direwolf20 1.5 mod pack and i have no clue how to use them can anyone help me please?
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installing maps
Posted 01 November 2013 - 01:23 PM
Posted 01 November 2013 - 03:58 PM
You should not 'like' your own forum posts.
If you have a map designed for the Direwolf20 1.5 Pack, all you should have to do is place it in the directory with your other worlds for that pack. From the FTB Launcher, go to 'Options' and find "Install folder". For me, this is "C:\FTB". Go to that folder, and then go to "Direwolf20_1_5_2/minecraft/saves". The folder containing the map you wish to use goes here. After that, it should appear in your list of worlds when you open up singleplayer.
An important note: If you're trying to use an official Direwolf20 Let's-Play map from season 5, these will only work with the legacy Direwolf20 Pack for Minecraft 1.4.7. You should be able to download those directly from the FTB launcher's 'Maps' tab.
Posted 03 November 2013 - 09:00 PM
Why is that even possible?You should not 'like' your own forum posts.
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