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Efficient Book Enchantment

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So, as you should know by now, you can enchant books, and then use these books to enchant your tools and armor with an anvil. Since I have been trying to get 2 with Silk Touch to enchant my EU tools, I have done quite a bit of research on enchantment rates, percentages, and the like. In my search, I found this site, which has absolutely everything you would ever need to know, and I have been using it for that reason. 


However, although there is ample information regarding vanilla enchanting, I haven't seen anything regarding the enchantments added by the mods in FTB. Sure, there are plenty of things telling what they do and what tiers they have, there is nothing regarding rates and percentages, which can be annoying when trying to get something specific.


To help solve this, I have created a spreadsheet for book enchanting. In addition to a condensed version of the information from the linked site, I have made an editable space for the mod enchantments. Currently, it has no additional information, but if you have anything you would like to add, feel free to do so. It has all the new enchantments that books can hold, and space for max rates and most efficient levels.


A link can be found here if you would like to contribute. Keep in mind that the sheet is for enchanting books, and not other equipment.









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This site's also good.

I don't know much about the modded enchants, though.

Hope I helped!

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Both sites work well. I wishI could find more information of Thaumcraft enchants.

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This site's also good.

I don't know much about the modded enchants, though.

Well, one thing I noticed while grinding books for silk touch is that the Thaumcraft enchantments is that they can't be found on books while enchanting. I have gotten about 30 or so enchanted books so far, and none of them have the Thaumcraft enchantments. According to the wiki, 4 of these enchantments can only be found on wands, which may explain why I haven't gotten any.  I figure the other 2 are strictly for Thaumcraft armor, since one is for repair by aura, and the other is haste, which may be for the Boots of the Wanderer. There is also an enchantment added by Twilight Forest called Fiery Aura, which is like a flame version of thorns. However, I believe these cannot be obtained from an enchantment table, as they come with a certain set of armor also added by the mod.


I have gotten 2 of the other three, those being Soul Stealer and Disjunction. I have been enchanting at level 24 for max efficiency for Silk Touch, and have gotten Soul Stealer 1,2, and 3, with most of them being lvl 3, and Disjunction 2.


Edit: just got a book with Vorpal 1 at lvl 24, so add that to the list.




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Well, one thing I noticed while grinding books for silk touch is that the Thaumcraft enchantments is that they can't be found on books while enchanting. I have gotten about 30 or so enchanted books so far, and none of them have the Thaumcraft enchantments. According to the wiki, 4 of these enchantments can only be found on wands, which may explain why I haven't gotten any.  I figure the other 2 are strictly for Thaumcraft armor, since one is for repair by aura, and the other is haste, which may be for the Boots of the Wanderer. There is also an enchantment added by Twilight Forest called Fiery Aura, which is like a flame version of thorns. However, I believe these cannot be obtained from an enchantment table, as they come with a certain set of armor also added by the mod.


I have gotten 2 of the other three, those being Soul Stealer and Disjunction. I have been enchanting at level 24 for max efficiency for Silk Touch, and have gotten Soul Stealer 1,2, and 3, with most of them being lvl 3, and Disjunction 2.


Edit: just got a book with Vorpal 1 at lvl 24, so add that to the list.


With the fiery aura, in the first map for mindcrack, Nebris got iron armor with fiery aura, so it can be obtained by enchanting.

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With the fiery aura, in the first map for mindcrack, Nebris got iron armor with fiery aura, so it can be obtained by enchanting.


Well, with an Uncrafting Table, you can recraft armor to put enchantments from an old piece of armor to a new one. That may be how he got it.




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I believe he enchanted it on camera, and he hadn't been to the twilight at that point. It was a long time ago when I SAW IT.

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Well, one thing I noticed while grinding books for silk touch is that the Thaumcraft enchantments is that they can't be found on books while enchanting. I have gotten about 30 or so enchanted books so far, and none of them have the Thaumcraft enchantments. According to the wiki, 4 of these enchantments can only be found on wands, which may explain why I haven't gotten any.  I figure the other 2 are strictly for Thaumcraft armor, since one is for repair by aura, and the other is haste, which may be for the Boots of the Wanderer. There is also an enchantment added by Twilight Forest called Fiery Aura, which is like a flame version of thorns. However, I believe these cannot be obtained from an enchantment table, as they come with a certain set of armor also added by the mod.


I have gotten 2 of the other three, those being Soul Stealer and Disjunction. I have been enchanting at level 24 for max efficiency for Silk Touch, and have gotten Soul Stealer 1,2, and 3, with most of them being lvl 3, and Disjunction 2.


Edit: just got a book with Vorpal 1 at lvl 24, so add that to the list.

I don't exactly know about the Mindcrack Pack, but in the Ultimate Pack I've actually gotten Repair II twice on a book, and Frugal once. But I really think I was just really, really LUCKY, though it is possible.



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I don't exactly know about the Mindcrack Pack, but in the Ultimate Pack I've actually gotten Repair II twice on a book, and Frugal once. But I really think I was just really, really LUCKY, though it is possible.

Also, when I have watched some Mindcrack videos, they HAVE gotten thaumcraft enchants on books.

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You can definitely get Thaumcraft enchants on books, I have half a chest full of Frugal, Treasure, Charging, Repair, etc.  They're not the most common of enchants, but definitely possible to obtain.  Silk Touch / Unbreaking seem to come along less frequently for me than Thaumcraft's enchants. 



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You can definitely get Thaumcraft enchants on books, I have half a chest full of Frugal, Treasure, Charging, Repair, etc.  They're not the most common of enchants, but definitely possible to obtain.  Silk Touch / Unbreaking seem to come along less frequently for me than Thaumcraft's enchants. 


Well yea, I understand Silk Touch. They have only a 1-2% chance on books enchanted at lvl 24, which is the peak level. Not entirely sure about Unbreaking, though, but I would assume it's pretty rare too.


And btw, I believe I made this post back when I still was playing the beta pack. That may be why I wasn't finding any books with those enchantments. I have since switched to ultimate, and apparently forgot to change my modpack on the forums. 10 Speechless.png




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Using enchanting turtles and soul shards you can make automatic experience farms that enchant books for you. It is possible to make a book farm if the shard is a cow one, and a sugar cane farm will get you the paper. The turtle will hold all the exp, and there are scripts out there that will auto enchant at level 30.

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I just enchanted a book (trying to get unbreaking III, enchanting at lvl 29), and I got the Charging I enchantment.

That's a Thaumcraft 3 enchantment for wands, so yes, you can get thaumcraft enchants on books appearently :)


Btw, lvl 29 would be the most efficient lvl to enchant for unbreaking III right? :A



After enchanting about 5 - 10 books (don't remember..) I just got a Treasure II enchantment, enchanted a book at lvl 28.
It's a thaumcraft 3 enchantment only aplicable on wands.



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I don't know the statistics or optimal levels, but I always go with level 30 (so level 29 should be fine). That said, Unbreaking is a rare enchantment. I usually have to enchant at least 15 books (up to 30 books) before I get an Unbreaking book.




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Ah that sucks :P


I've got a diamond sword with some epic enchants, all possible dmg enchants :P and some more stuff.
 Just need unbreaking so it doesn't break after killing 5 mobs :( 
Wouldn't want to lose it.



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If you get Repair, you may be able to try to stick that on it, and then you'll never need to worry about it breaking, as long as you give it time to recharge.




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That's exactly what I need. I started writing my research proposal. I'm not quite sure what it should be. I found research proposal writing services where I can get qualified help in case of difficulties. And it's probably the right thing to do.

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