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NeonCraft|Unleashed 1.1.3|PvP|100 Slots|24/7|Hyperconomy|Greif Prevention

NeonCraft NeonGrind Unleashed 1.1.3 PvP 24/7 HyperConomy Greif Prevention Survival Bounty Hunter

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  • Pip
  • 1 posts
  • IGN:Tripper6656
  • Modpack:FTB Unleashed




Website: http://www.neongrind.com/


NeonCraft is a new 100 slot PvP Survival Feed the Beast Unleashed 1.1.3 Server (May have some glitches/problems on startup but will be worked out). Make sure to enable all the mods on the Feed the Beast Launcher. A fun and dedicated server that run 24/7 with a friendly and helpful staff. We are connected to a mature 18+ multigaming community, NeonGrind. Some plugins included in our server are Hyperconomy, Greif Prevention, Creeper Collateral, Bounty Hunter, and Starter Kit.


We will be adding fun games and events to play with friends and other sorts of arenas.


The banned list is very limited.



   1. Respect Everyone including other's Creations

   2. No Offensive Language

   3. No Spamming Chat

   4. No Greifing

   5. No Stealing from Other Players (excluding PvP combat)

   6.Do not ask for Special Permissions or Items

   7.No mods outside the mods permitted by the Server

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: NeonCraft, NeonGrind, Unleashed, 1.1.3, PvP, 24/7, HyperConomy, Greif Prevention, Survival, Bounty Hunter

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