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Unleashed Crashing everytime i open ME

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  • IGN:Ashranz
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This is my first post here, i was playing Unleashed with no problem til today, everytime i try to open my ME Acces terminal it crash, i try to building that ME on another spot, turn down all graphics and souns and doesnt work... I dont know what to do...


I'll attach .txt with crash report.


Thanks on advice.

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That's interesting - in the log it says that the crash is related to a Liquid Tesseract - do you have any Liquid Tesseracts connected to your ME system?



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The crash report doesn't appear to mention AE at all, its focus is on a liquid tesseract. Do you have this same problem when you try to interact with an ME Access Terminal that has no storage attached to it? Another test would be to create a new test world and see if you crash when accessing a terminal there, as well. I would guess that somehow a liquid tesseract got into your AE system and for some reason is still trying to function, but that's pure speculation.




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I've 2 Tesseracts, one is connected to a Iron Tank Valve and Iron tank valve is connected byu Liquiducts to Gheotermal Generator, and other one is on nether, connected to a Pump


Update: i have another Liquid Tesseract broken via Force Wrench on that ME and everytime i mouseover it, it crash

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